

In the spring of 2007, a decision was made that would transform the heart and mission of the Sycamore View Church. Since 1978, the 1910 Sycamore View Road location has been our home. After 25 years of growth and expansion, the neighborhood around our church began to change. It launched us into a season of discerning whether we needed to relocate or remain in our current location. After a season of prayer and fasting, a decision was made to stay. One Sunday that spring, each family unit took a small, wooden cross, and nailed them in the front yard of our campus forming one large cross. This was Sycamore View’s way of saying, “This is our home. We are committed to this place. We aren’t going anywhere.

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With that statement, people began praying big prayers that God would give us a heart that would ache and bend toward the people in our community. God used everything that went into that decision to cultivate in our church a heart for Memphis and the 901. This is part of our story. It’s a significant part. We wouldn’t be who we are today without the commitment to be cross-shaped people then. The power of this commitment is still unfolding. Today, we get to be a part of it.




Helping people see Jesus.

At Sycamore View, our mission is simple—helping people see Jesus. In the Gospel of Luke, we read about a man named Zacchaeus who desperately climbs a sycamore tree to see Jesus speak to a crowd of people. As a result of hearing the message of Jesus, his life was forever changed. Similar to the tree in the story, our church is called to live out the gospel in such a way as to provide opportunities for others to get a better view of Jesus.





Sycamore View Church exists to awaken people to the greatness of Jesus. As the Holy Spirit works to awaken us to all the ways God is restoring our world, we respond with joy, adventure, and courage. Through core values and commitments, we strive to align our behavior and actions with what it is God wants for people, Memphis, and the world. We join in the awakening.




What we value matters to God.

At our core, we believe that what we value holds eternal significance. Want to know the heart of our church? Sycamore View’s core values reflect our best efforts to model what we feel are God’s calling upon our community of faith. To that end, we want nothing more than to fulfill His mission for our church.



We genuinely care about physical and mental health.

One way we try to embody this core value is by encouraging people to seek out mental health professionals. Sycamore View has a long-standing agreement of referring members to the Bartlett Christian Counseling Center, and when needed, the church will pay 50% of the fees for the first three sessions. We are excited to let you know that we have expanded our agreement from just the BCCC and now have the same agreements with Andria Wilson, Angela Rusk (who is bilingual), Kevin Shelby, and Jermaine Shorter. You can find all of these counselors contact information here. When making contact with any of these counselors, just let them know that you’re part of the Sycamore View Church.



We boldly raise up discipleship as the mission of the Church.


We are passionate about connecting people to God.


We are a restoration movement.


We courageously anticipate the movement of God.


We are honored to carry the ministry of reconciliation.


We willingly stand with the marginalized.


We strive to give the next generation a compelling story to live into.




We’re committed to helping you grow.

Being a part of the Sycamore View family means taking steps to grow as a disciple of Jesus. The process we have developed to help us grow as disciples asks members to make and honor five commitments that we believe create space so the Holy Spirit can help us become more like Jesus. The goal of discipleship is to follow Jesus and we ask members to honor the five commitments because we want something for you, not from you.



Becoming like Jesus is a life-long journey of discipleship that is best lived out in a spiritual community. The commitment to discover involves two things: 1) discovering daily how God wants you to live and 2) participating when the church gathers on Sundays to discover how God wants us to live.

  • Commit to DISCOVER what God wants for you and for our church family.

    • Discover how God wants you to live

    • Participate in church gatherings on Sundays



God created us for community. We believe it is important for every Jesus-follower to commit to a small group community where discipleship and growth in God takes place. The commitment to connect means committing to at least one of the following settings: Bible Class, Life Group, or Discipleship Group.

  • Commit to CONNECT through one of the following:

    • Bible Class

    • Life Group

    • Discipleship Group



Serving others is a way of life and at the heart of following Jesus. We believe God calls us to be the hands and feet of Jesus in this world. The commitment to serve asks us to get involved with one or more of our 16 ministry teams to bless others.

  • Commit to SERVE through one (or more) of the following:

    • Children’s Ministry

    • Youth Ministry

    • Women’s Ministry

    • Men’s Ministry

    • Worship Ministry

    • Marriage Ministry

    • Rev. 7:9 Ministry

    • Local Missions (38134)

    • Urban Missions (901)

    • Global Missions (3:16)

    • Hospitality

    • Compassion

    • Facilities

    • Adult Faith (Teacher)

    • Life Groups (Leader)

    • Finance

    • Safety & Security



All things belong to God. We want every family unit to develop a regular discipline of giving generously because it demonstrates our trust in God. The commitment to give means we will financially support the regular church offering as well as the special offerings for 901 and 3:16 ministries:

  • Commit to give during our weekly offering or online

  • Commit to give to our 901 (Local Missions) and our 3:16 (Global Missions) offerings.



Jesus left his followers on earth with The Great Commission. Living out this commission to make disciples throughout the world is still as important today as it was when Jesus spoke the words, “Go into all the world”. We believe all disciples are called to make other disciples. The commitment to go is a commitment to intentionally help people see Jesus through our unique lives in both words and actions.

  • Commit to GO live out The Great Commission.