New To Faith?
At Sycamore View, we don’t expect you to have everything figured out. (Hint, we don’t either). Our community of faith is made up of imperfect people who have been called by a perfect God. Whether you’re on the fence about faith or a brand new follower, let’s begin your faith journey together.
Being baptized is an important step of obedience in your walk with Jesus. When a new believer is baptized, they are submerged under water symbolizing Jesus’ burial and are raised as a new creation. If you would like to talk with someone about baptism or be baptized, please click the button below.
Join Our Family
You are family. No matter where you’ve been, you have a future with Sycamore View. We have a diverse family of believers that gather on Sundays, meet in homes, and share life together. The last Sunday of each month, we have an event we call A View Into Sycamore View for anyone looking to learn more about our church. If you’re interested in becoming a member of our family, click the link below.
Get Connected
God created you for community. Everyone should be connected to God, but it’s also vitaly important to connect with others. As a church family, we value a deep commitment to spiritual formation and nurturing relationships.
Serve Others
We serve because Jesus served. Serving others is one of the primary ways we honor our commitment to God. If we’re honest, serving is also a big part of our identity in the community. Looking to serve? Roll up your sleeves and click the link below.
We have a plan for helping you develop into a faithful disciple of Jesus by cultivating a thriving environment that will help you mature and grow. In order for us to fulfill our commitment to you, we ask that every member commits to following five commitments.
Becoming like Jesus is a life-long journey of discipleship that is best lived out in a spiritual community. The commitment to discover involves two things: 1) discovering daily how God wants you to live and 2) participating when the church gathers on Sundays to discover how God wants us to live.
Commit to DISCOVER what God wants for you and for our church family.
Discover how God wants you to live
Participate in church gatherings on Sundays
God created us for community. We believe it is important for every Jesus-follower to commit to a small group community where discipleship and growth in God takes place. The commitment to connect means committing to at least one of the following settings: Bible Class, Life Group, or Discipleship Group.
Commit to CONNECT through one of the following:
Bible Class
Life Group
Discipleship Group
Serving others is a way of life and at the heart of following Jesus. We believe God calls us to be the hands and feet of Jesus in this world. The commitment to serve asks us to get involved with one or more of our 16 ministry teams to bless others.
Commit to CONNECT through one (or more) of the following:
Children’s Ministry
Youth Ministry
Women’s Ministry
Men’s Ministry
Worship Ministry
Marriage Ministry
Rev. 7:9 Ministry
Local Missions (38134)
Urban Missions (901)
Global Missions (3:16)
Adult Faith (Teacher)
Life Groups (Leader)
All things belong to God. We want every family unit to develop a regular discipline of giving generously because it demonstrates our trust in God. The commitment to give means we will financially support the regular church offering as well as the special offerings for 901 and 3:16 ministries:
Commit to give during our weekly offering or online
Commit to give to our 901 (Local Missions) and our 3:16 (Global Missions) offerings.
Jesus left his followers on earth with The Great Commission. Living out this commission to make disciples throughout the world is still as important today as it was when Jesus spoke the words, “Go into all the world”. We believe all disciples are called to make other disciples. The commitment to go is a commitment to intentionally help people see Jesus through our unique lives in both words and actions.
Commit to GO live out The Great Commission.